Let’s Stay in Touch

Stay in the know about what we’re doing, issues affecting your region, and how you can get involved.

You decide what you’re emailed about.

Want news about CFSA and sustainable agriculture across the Carolinas? Subscribe to General News. You’ll receive The Stew, a one-stop place to find out about news, jobs, and what we’re up to throughout the year.

Want farmer updates? Subscribe to Farmer News. You’ll receive our regular newsletter for farmers, Grower’s Toolbox, a technical resource packed with practical, timely information like grants, research updates, and training opportunities.

Want policy information? Subscribe to Policy News. You’ll receive The Buzz, which explores the local, state, and federal policies that most impact local food and farms in the Carolinas.

Want to advocate on timely issues? Subscribe to Action Alerts. Our policy team will explain the issue and when to take action (and what to say) on current issues affecting food and farms. These will be used a lot throughout 2023 with farm bill advocacy.