The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) rule has proven to be one of the biggest changes to the National Organic Program since its inception. Designed to protect organic integrity and bolster farmer and consumer confidence in the USDA organic seal, the rule targets organic control systems, farm-to-market traceability, import oversight authority, and enforcement of organic regulations. Organic supply chains have become increasingly complex, and the SOE was crafted out of an effort to increase transparency in the organic market. 

So what does this rule mean that mean? Read the analysis over on our blog or in a downloadable PDF.

Have you ever seen a vacant high tunnel, greenhouse, or cold frame and considered asking to purchase it? You’re not alone! Purchasing and reusing secondhand high tunnels is common and a great way to make new use of an otherwise wasted space.

Before jumping in headfirst on the purchase, there are a few things to consider. In this newly-created fact sheet, we walk you through what to consider before purchase, as well as how to dismantle and reinstall a standing high tunnel.

Want more? Download the fact sheet.

High tunnels can be a great resource for farmers. The season extension capabilities provided by high tunnels can open up new opportunities and price premiums in the local marketplace. However, producing in high tunnels is different from field production and can be difficult to master. This handbook will provide a practical process to establish irrigation practices for various crops to be grown in a high tunnel.

DOWNLOAD the High Tunnel Micro Irrigation Guide

This document is a framework for ongoing food system
collaboration for the CONNECT Our Future communities. It is
intended to set the stage for increased interaction between food
councils and municipal and county planning efforts, to provide
information on routes for regional and statewide food system
collaboration, and to provide resources and information on food
system planning tools.

“CONNECT Our Future” is a process in which communities, counties, businesses, educators, nonprofits and other organizations work together to grow jobs and the economy, improve quality of life and control the cost of government. This project will create a regional growth framework developed through extensive community engagement and built on what communities identify as existing conditions, future plans and needs, and potential strategies.

A guide written for SC farmers to help understand the many federal and state laws and regulations that govern the production and sale of local foods. Specific sections provide outline requirements for farm-scale production and sale of meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, raw fruits & vegetables, honey, and low-risk manufactured foods (e.g., pickles and jams).

Click Here For PDF

A guide written for NC farmers to help understand the many federal and state laws and regulations that govern the production and sale of local foods. Specific sections provide outline requirements for farm-scale production and sale of meat, poultry, eggs, dairy, raw fruits & vegetables, honey, and low-risk manufactured foods (e.g., pickles and jams).

Click Here For PDF