By Rachel Kriegsman, CFSA Development Coordinator

All of us at the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association are so excited to share with you our 2017 Impact Report. This year’s report details the many ways in which CFSA made a difference in the lives of farmers, farmworkers, and the greater sustainable-food community in the Carolinas last year.

A few highlights include:

But our work didn’t stop there. We hosted our 32nd annual Sustainable Agriculture Conference in Durham which included more than 158 hours of training for farmers in our network. And we provided one-on-one high tunnel consultations to 16 farmers and GAP consultations to 31 farmers across North and South Carolina. Both high tunnels and GAP certification provide unique economic incentives and advantages to farmers as they enter new markets.

We are so proud of the work we have done this past year. CFSA is making tangible, positive change for farmers, consumers, and businesses. As always, we stand up for the food and farm community as we advocate for fair policies, build the infrastructure that family farms need to thrive, and educate communities about local, organic farming.

Take a peek at our new report today, and, if you’re so moved, become a member or renew your support again this year!

Happy reading!

Did you miss last year’s Impact Report? See our index of Annual Impact Reports.